Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday & Wednesday

Okay, so I haven't had time to write this blog for the last two days. But we have been BUSY. And the word has earned those capital letters. Really, really earned them.

Tuesday saw Nikki heading off for two radio interviews - one on Shane Hollands' Dirty Words show on Fleet FM with Christian, and one on George FM. I spent the vast majority of Tuesday getting the GROWL programme ready for printing, typesetting and what-not. Then I did a bit of work on the website and got the multimedia page a little bit fixed up. There's links to a bunch of video and heaps of images from our last show up there now. And I have figured out how to make them actually viewable too. No small feat. Like I said previously, I am not technologically gifted.

Then Nikki and Sabrina headed on over to my pad and we rehearsed Bullet Hole Riddle together for about an hour before cruising on down to Poetry Live at Thirsty Dog...

where Nikki seriously owned the open mic...

Christian was MCing that night. Here he is with Erin Gaffney - the hugely talented photographer who took all our promo shots and made us look good - and Jason Morales our stage hand.

And Sabrina finished off the open mic with her piece about Kerouac.

It was a good night. Poetry Live did us proud. Our community is wicked.

Wednesday morning Christian and Nikki rock on down to the Bfm studio for an interview with Mikey Havoc. Then they turned up at my place and we went to print our programmes. It might have taken 6 hours, but between the three of us we got 60 limited edition, hand-bound, colour-cover programmes for our gig made up - they'll be on sale at the door for $5, which I think is a bloody good bargain considering the work that went into stitching them.

Pretty much as soon as that was finished it was time for rehearsal and we all congregated at Murray's flat. Luckily he made us all coffee before we got started.
And I took a picture. Because it was Gravity coffee, and they are our sponsors after all, and we do actually drink their coffee, and here's proof:

This was our second to last rehearsal before the big day. We worked on the pieces that have cello with Fiona, then we ran through the entire show from start to finish for the first time since Nikki arrived. This was a mammoth effort because we are all starting to get tired, but we did it, and we did it good. General consensus amongst us all is that our show is wicked, varying, never boring, and that it flows. Which is what I was going for when I designed it. I'm stoked that all our pieces fit together so well. We may all be totally different, but we seem to deal with very similar themes a lot of the time. Growl really growls. But in a hopeful way. In a way that asks for something positive, so it's not gonna be a downer buzz. The Literatti are finally getting the hang of this whole singing in unison thing too. We didn't leave Murray's until nearly 11.

And really, after two days of that much work I couldn't do anything but watch Lost episodes last night. I reckon I earned it. I've spent all morning putting together the stage-hand's schedule for the event, so they know when to place extra mics on stage and all that jazz.

Then I found out that Alt TV went off air yesterday at 5pm, which means our two interviews are not going to be happening now. It's a bit of a shock. The station is there one day and then the next it is gone. Just like that. poof.
We have one more rehearsal together now, and that's tonight. I can't believe we've actually managed to get all these pieces together memorised and choreographed in less than a week. Tomorrow night we are going to test some of them out at the Inhibition Exhibition at Te Karanga gallery on K Rd (koha entry if you wanna come along). Then we'll be hitting The London Bar mid-arvo on Saturday to get our set ready. Our set is awesome by the way. Christian scored these 'brick walls' from the Silo theatre that weren't needed anymore and we painted them up at our workshop weekend. We've also got a whole lot of other things lined up with First Scene, who sponsor us by giving us free access to their gear. Nice. I can't wait.

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