Then we sat down and tried to suss out our website. Not only did Christian have to figure out how to fix the damn thing, he also had to show me how to work it all. Did a pretty nice job teaching me too. And my brain didn't even fall out or anything! We got the homepage and the show page sussed. But I loaded waaaay too massive photos onto the multimedia page when we tried to do that one. Was just being lazy - I could have made them smaller in photoshop as I went, but.... so we'll get to that one soon. But still, it's nice to have made some more headway on it.
Then we headed off on over to Sabrina's choice little flat in Mt Eden and had one of the best rehearsals ever! We're trying to work out a song - where we sing with Nikki in one of her songs. This is a scary step for someone like me. Is so much fun practicing it though, so we sort of had a rehearsal party, if anything like that can exist. Nikki managed to reach paper-free stage on Right, our 5-person piece (Sabrina wrote it), which is no mean feat after only 2 proper rehearsals. Christian and Murray did an awesome performance of Triangle Poem which has come a loooong way since One Foot Forward. And the new Bullet Hole Riddle is sounding just beautiful. Not that I'm biased or anythgin. I love getting to have other people performing my words with me. There was just a wicked vibe tonight. Yay.
Here's us after rehearsal
This is Murray with Omni-Bot.
Omni-Bot is famous, he has become the Unitech's In Unison magazine news mascot. Omni-Bot first became famous in Word of Mouth as the Robots Eat Pizza Too robot - pictured, logically, eating pizza and projected on a giant cyc screen at the back of the stage. Just a bit of trivia.
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